Sunday Service

Bible Study for Adults                   9:30-10:15 am

Morning Service                            10:30- 11:30 am
   - Children's Church

What to Expect

At River Valley you’ll find a casual atmosphere, contemporary music with an occasional hymn, biblical, Christ-centered, relevant messages and friendly people, many of whom are open to pursue relationships beyond Sunday mornings. 

A typical Sunday service includes 15-20 minutes of singing and prayer, announcements, a 25-30 minute sermon, and a closing song.  We sporadically have times of special music, videos, puppet skits, testimonies of what God has been doing our lives, a Missions Moment, a question and answer time, etc.

Childcare is available on Sunday mornings. Nursery is for ages up to 5 years old.

We typically celebrate the Lord's Table the second Sunday of each month.

About 20-25 minutes into the service, after singing and prayer we dismiss children ages 6-12 for "Children's Church."  We have a room in the back of the hall where these children learn age appropriate lessons, usually re-enforced by doing a craft.  It is not necessary for children of this age to attend; they can stay in the service, if that is what the parents want them to do. We'll be happy to introduce you and your children to the Children's Church teacher before the service if you'd like. 

Currently, we are a relatively small, but growing church of between 30-40 people each Sunday morning.

Vine & Branch Midweek Get-Together

We typically will read a Psalm and discuss it informally. Then use it as a prayer starter, leading into other prayer for church and individual concerns.  We also have a time to encourage one another with the promises of God and have some refreshements.

The Apologetic Bookshelf

Currently reading and discussing:

Is God Just a Human Invention? And Seventeen Other Questions Raised by the New Atheists,

Digging Deeper Bible Study

Currently Studying the Book of Revelation

One-on-One & Small Group Meetings

We also offer meetings in which we talk about and explore biblical truths with people who have needs or interests that are more appropriate to where they are currently at. For example, we offer

  • an Exploring Christianity Study
  • a Growing in Christ Study
  • a Freed-Up Financial Living Course
  • an Advanced Discipleship Study
  • and other topical studies